Safe and Sound (Ages 12+)

Teenage relationship/domestic abuse, consent, power & control in relationships
  • the characteristics of positive and healthy relationships (intimate and friendships), including trust, mutual respect, honesty, boundaries, privacy, consent, loyalty and ending relationships safely.

  • that some types of behaviour within relationships are criminal, including violent behaviour and coercive control.

  • the law relating to sexual consent, abuse, coercion, harassment, rape and domestic abuse, and how these can affect current and future relationships.

  • how people can actively communicate and recognise consent from others, including sexual consent, and how and when consent can be withdrawn.


This programme uses high quality pre-recorded performances with relevant, engaging content to bring the issues to life to introduce or consolidate learning on the issue.


The virtual workshops allow us to interact directly with your students via live streaming to explore the issues raised in the drama and where to get support.


Lesson plans and interactive resources to use on a range of PSHE topics to support your curriculum and prepare and follow up the Loudmouth session..


Updates on PSHE with regular tips, ideas and advice on learning objectives. Loudmouth can also support with staff training and consultancy on PSHE.

Impactful theatre in education programme on abuse in teenage relationships.

This programme helps young people to stay safe in their intimate relationships.

Supporting young people to have positive and healthy relationships.

This sensitive programme uses a drama and discussion workshop that follows a young couple as their relationship develops. Looking in on their relationship the pupils are shown the characteristics of both a healthy and unhealthy relationship exploring the concepts of respect, privacy and consent including learning about sexting and abusive and coercive behaviours within relationships.



89% of learners rated their knowledge of teenage relationship abuse as Good or Excellent after the session.


99% said that as a result they were confident or very confident in spotting signs of abuse.


71% would act or behave differently as a result of taking part in the programme.


94% of staff said that the programme had increased their confidence in teaching about the issues.

Proven increase of young people’s confidence and skills on topic of teenage relationship abuse.

Evaluation has shown that this programme has increased young people’s knowledge of where to go for support and increased their knowledge and ability to spot signs of abuse in teenage relationships.