An awareness booklet for parents, guardians and carers of pupils who will be having the theatre in education programme, Bully 4 U into their school.
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An awareness booklet for parents, guardians and carers of pupils who will be having the theatre in education programme, Bully 4 U into their school.
An awareness booklet for parents, guardians and carers of pupils who will be having the theatre in education programme, Calling It Out into their school.
Childline 0800 1111: get help and advice about a wide range of issues, talk to a counsellor online. A national service for children and young people up to the age of 18.
Family Lives offers a confidential helpline service which is free from landlines and most mobiles (previously known as Parentline). Please call on 0808 800 2222 for information, advice, guidance and support on any aspect of parenting and family life.
Fearless is the dedicated youth service of the independent charity Crimestoppers. We give young people the power to report crime 100% anonymously.
FRANK is a national drug education service helping people with information on drugs and alcohol. They have a 24 hour free helpline, 0300 123 6600. Text and email support also available.
Get It is a free & confidential service, facilitated by METRO Charity, for young people to access condoms and/or chlamydia & gonorrhoea testing kits. Get It runs in Wandsworth & Richmond, Hertfordshire, Kent, Medway, Merton.
Information and services for 13-19 year olds on sexual health, relationship, mental health, drugs and alcohol support services. A service for young people in South West London including Richmond, Wandsworth, Merton, Croydon, Kingston and Sutton.
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An awareness booklet for parents, guardians and carers of pupils who will be having the theatre in education programme, Helping Hands into their school.
MindEd is an e-learning site for professionals and an online advice and information site for parents on children and young people’s mental health.
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An awareness booklet for parents, guardians and carers of pupils who will be having the theatre in education programme, My Mate Fancies You into their school.
NYAS provides advocacy and legal representation to children and vulnerable adults when important decisions are being made about them.
NHS site on young people and sexual health.
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The NSPCC have created the PANTS rule. This is a simple way to help children keep safe from abuse. It gives adults a clear and simple way to open up conversations in a clear and child-friendly way. Have a look at the parent/guardian support page.
The NWG (formerly The National Working Group for Sexually Exploited Children and Young People) is a charity that offers support, advice and raises the profile of the issue of child exploitation and abuse within the UK.
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This parent resource gives information about Loudmouth's young people's programme Screen Time. It also gives great advice for safer online use and tips for how to have open conversations with children about being online.
Respect is the UK membership organisation for work with domestic violence perpetrators, male victims and young people.
Empathic services to support and inspire children, women and men who have been affected by sexual violence and abuse.
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An awareness booklet for parents, guardians and carers of pupils who will be having the theatre in education programme, Safe and Sound into their school.
Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. Service available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
National service for young people to report sexual exploitation and get further information. Telephone 116 000.
Information and support website on child exploitation for young people, professionals and parents/guardians living and working in Warwickshire.
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An awareness booklet for parents, guardians and carers of pupils who will be having the theatre in education programme, Talking Heads into their school.
The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. Support on mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk to us via online, social or our counselling service.
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An awareness booklet for parents, guardians and carers of pupils who will be having the theatre in education programme, Trust Me into their school.
E-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet.
Sexual Health Services for Birmingham & Solihull.
Women’s Aid is the national charity for women and children working to end domestic abuse.
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An awareness booklet for parents, guardians and carers of pupils who will be having the theatre in education programme, Working For Marcus into their school.
ViewBrilliant acting and interaction with the children. The play itself covered puberty in an open, realistic and humorous way which forms a terrific basis for future discussion with the teacher and each other. So much depends on the enthusiasm of the actors and I feel that we were very lucky to have such a talented pair, not only to perform, but to lead the discussions afterwards. They were able to relate to the children without any embarrassment. SUPERB!!
Compared to other companies we have had covering the same content, the actors were more flexible and accommodating to the children’s individual needs. Through their answers and questions, the children were demonstrating a higher level of understanding, empathy and personal safety.
Safeguarding Lead