Bully 4 U (KS3-4 Secondary)

Bullying, resilience, online safety, homophobic and sexual/sexist bullying
  • about different types of bullying (including cyberbullying and the impact of bullying).
  • about how to get help and the responsibilities of bystanders to report bullying to an adult.
  • how stereotypes based on sex, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or disability, can cause damage.
  • what constitutes sexual harassment and sexual violence and why these are always unacceptable.
  • about online risks and how to identify harmful behaviours (including online bullying, abuse or harassment) and how to report, or find support.


This programme uses high quality pre-recorded performances with relevant, engaging content to bring the issues to life to introduce or consolidate learning on the issue.


The virtual workshops allow us to interact directly with your students via live streaming to explore the issues raised in the drama and where to get support.


Lesson plans and interactive resources to use on a range of PSHE topics to support your curriculum and prepare and follow up the Loudmouth session..


Updates on PSHE with regular tips, ideas and advice on learning objectives. Loudmouth can also support with staff training and consultancy on PSHE.

Attention grabbing theatre in education programme on bullying.

Brings to life the impact of bullying.

Bullying prevention programme

Drama and discussion workshop session that covers many forms of bullying including cyber, sexist/sexual, homophobic bullying and bullying linked to sexting. Includes work on respect in relationships and male victims of teenage relationship abuse.



90% rated their knowledge on bullying and cyber bullying as good or excellent as a result of taking part in the programme.


91% said the programme helps students to learn about bullying and cyber bullying.


69% would act differently as a result of the programme.


86% of staff rated the programme as Excellent.

Proven increase of children’s knowledge and skills around bullying and mental wellbeing.

Evaluation has shown that this programme has increased young people’s empathy for victims of bullying, increased young people’s knowledge of different types of bullying and where to go for help and support.