National or International Awareness Campaigns and major holidays can be a great way in to a PSHE topic. Below are some dates that are coming up in the next few weeks.
1st - 28th February 2019 – LGBT History Month
This year’s theme is Peace, Activism and Reconciliation.
4th - 10th February 2019 – Sexual Abuse and Violence Awareness Week
4th – 10th – Children’s mental health week
5th February 2019 - Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day 2019 will be celebrated globally with the theme: Together for a better internet.
7th Feb – Time to talk day
14th February 2019 - Valentine’s Day
(and Loudmouth’s 25th Birthday – all cake gratefully accepted)
15th March 2019 - Red Nose Day
Red Nose Day will be back with a bang on 15 March 2019 raising money for lots of causes and issues including poverty, disability, mental health and homelessness.