To support Designated Safeguarding Leads across the city the Head of Safeguarding, Dawn Williams, and the Schools Safeguarding leads, Denise Mooney and Carol Gillen, will host the first of two annual safeguarding events. This event will provide Designated Safeguarding Leads with common key safeguarding messages and offer an opportunity for sharing good practice.
This event, to be held on Thursday 25th January, is aimed at and solely for Designated Safeguarding Leads and is accessible to schools across Wolverhampton.
Regional Safeguarding Boards are actively encouraging schools to access resources to support in pupils learning about safeguarding therefore, a significant part of this briefing is a showcase of Loudmouth Education & Training safeguarding programmes.
Loudmouth will be presenting their two key CSE prevention programmes; Working for Marcus for 13- 18 year olds and Helping Hands for 8 – 11 year olds.
To register visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/designated-safeguarding-leads-safeguarding-event-tickets-39727206143