We recently completed a successful tour of our CSE programme Working For Marcus in Dudley. Funded by Dudley MBC we worked in 7 different mainstream secondary schools, 2 mainstream colleges and 3 non-mainstream training providers.
The tour was extremely well received and the results speak for themselves:
- 57% of students stated that as a result of participating in the Working for Marcus programme they would act or behave differently.
- None of the students named See Me, Hear Me before the session however 49% named this after taking part in the Working for Marcus programme.
- 100% of staff rated the sessions as ‘Excellent’.
- 98% of students recorded that after participating in the Working for Marcus programme they felt ‘Very confident’ or ‘Confident’ about spotting the signs of sexual exploitation and grooming.
- We worked with 2,342 young people aged 13 to 19 years old.
“Clear explanation in a creative way to get the message across without boring us to death. Really enjoyed it. Thank you.” Student
“Totally relatable to pupil situations. Highlighted how easy it could be to be exploited.” Teacher, Windsor High School
Thanks to: Jill Edwards, Health Promoting Schools Programme Manager, & Kath Clarke, Respect Yourself Campaign Co-ordinator - Public Health, Dudley MBC.