So, are theatre in education tours being commissioned during the Coronavirus pandemic? Loudmouth ones are, YES.
Not only are all our commissioned tours for this academic year going ahead, we have new tours being commissioned. We have more commissioned work this year than last, which is pretty incredible given the circumstances. From November 2020 we are back in schools and colleges running all our programmes virtually and our funders are supporting us 100%. We are thrilled and so are the pupils and staff.
We have used the lockdown time to adapt our programmes so we can carry on our work, even if we are not physically able to go into schools and colleges. We now have a range of virtual formats for schools and commissioners to choose from. Our plays have been rewritten to work as pre-recorded films and our actor-facilitators run live streamed workshops via the internet using Microsoft Teams.
By being virtual we are actually able to reach more children and young people and as a result are being commissioned across the country.
For more information on commissioning a tour contact Caroline Bridges on 0121 446 4880 or email and check out our commissioner page