We are working hard at Loudmouth to create alternatives to our live in-school sessions that can be run with pupils from September to December. If we can get back into schools before then, we will, but for the moment we want to be able to offer you and your pupils creative and flexible solutions that can work in this new school environment.
From now until September our Actor Facilitators are filming adapted versions of our most popular programmes. We are creating both pre-recorded 'press and play' lessons and online lessons that can be streamed live.
We'd like your feedback to help us create what you and your pupils want and need.
We have put together a survey and it would help us immensely if you could share with us your knowledge and views. It would be great if we could have your feedback by next Tuesday 14th July so we have time to get back to individuals with any questions before term finishes.
Here's the link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/2BLY3C7