We have now successfully finished the first funded tour of our new Helping Hands programme.
We were funded by the Office of Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council through the Home Office’s Domestic Abuse Service Transformation Plan to redevelop our theatre in education programme on positive relationships, Helping Hands. The programme supports children in learning about spotting signs of unsafe relationships and different forms of abuse (child sexual exploitation and abuse, online safety and domestic abuse) and knowing where to go for support. The NSPCC gave us permission to use their PANTS rule which is designed to keep children safe from sexual abuse.
The evaluation of the tour has been fantastic, with 100% of teaching staff rating Helping Hands ‘above average’ or ‘excellent’.
99% of the year 5 and 6 pupils who participated in the 10 Dudley schools said that the programme helped them to stay safe. Their reasons why were given as the programme made a serious subject fun and memorable, that they had learnt the PANTS Rule and were now able to spot signs of abusive and unsafe situations, they had learnt how to stay safe including online safety and they felt they now knew what to do and where to go if they felt unsafe.
“As a result of seeing Helping Hands I know how to keep safe on the internet or in the real world. It was e-safety week last week but this helped me be aware of it the
most.” Year 6 pupil
“It was very inclusive of children’s thoughts and views. Age appropriate scenes and the children were given valuable information to use if ever needed.” Teaching Assistant, St Marks C of E Primary School
To find out more about Helping Hands visit the programme page.