We have given our Commissioners webpage a total revamp. We are getting so many new enquiries from potential commissioners that we have decided the page needs an update and a fresh new look. We are so pleased with it that we want as many commissioners as possible to see the page, so please do share this link Loudmouth Commissioner Page
“Loudmouth support immensely in helping us achieve our outcomes and making a difference to local people.” Helen Trueman, Development Co-ordinator, Grace Mary to Lion Farm Big Local
The new webpage gives information on …
•The benefits of booking a Loudmouth tour
•Who we are and what we do
•What you get if you commission a tour
•Lists of previous and current commissioners
•Evaluation reports
On the page there is also a new commissioner video, with new footage of our work and interviews with some of our current commissioners.
We really want to say a BIG thank you to all of the commissioners who agreed to be filmed and to those who gave permission for us to include their written testimonials. THANK YOU.