Happy New Year!
National or International Awareness Campaigns in 2020 and major holidays can be a great way in to an RSE topic. Here are some dates that are coming up in the next few weeks:
1st January 2020 - New Year's Day
6th January 2020 - New term starts
14th January 2020 - National STiQ Day
STIQ Day has been launched to get people thinking about their sexual health and encourage more people to get regular sexual health checks
20th January 2020 - Blue Monday
Blue Monday isn’t officially a holiday but it has been named one of the most depressing days of the year. We think it is a good opportunity to discuss mental wellbeing.
30th January 2020 - Young Carers Awareness Day
Young Carers Awareness Day raises awareness of the challenges faced by young carers and campaigns for greater support for them.
January 2020 - Dry January
Dry January is the annual movement through which millions of people give up alcohol for the month of January. It is run by the charity Alcohol Change UK.
We regularly send out and upload free resources to tie in with national days. If you'd like to receive these please sign up here.