We had over 100 safeguarding professionals at our showcase event today in Birmingham.
The event organised in conjunction with the Regional Organised Crime Unit was held to showcase our main two safeguarding programmes: Home Office funded Helping Hands for primary children on staying safe and Working for Marcus on CSE for secondary and college aged young people.
Eleanor, our director presented on the educational impact of these programmes and Rupi and Shernelle performed the drama elements of both programmes before whizzing off to run another session in Cambridge.
We were so pleased that so many professionals came from across the country and that the day stimulated a lot of discussion on ways of getting these two programmes out to more children and young people.
A HUGE thank you to Kay Wallace for organising and for amazing car parking duties and to Simon Walker for his reception skills!
Thank you to NWG and ChildLine and See Me Hear Me for running stands.
Thank you to the Loudmouth team – Rupi and Shernelle for two fantastic performances and to Caroline and Jenny for getting everything together for the day and manning the Loudmouth stall and meeting and greeting people.