What Does the New Relationships Education (RE), Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Statutory Guidance Mean for All Schools?
As you may know, there is new guidance on Relationships Education (RE), Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), and Health Education. All schools must comply with the new guidance by September 2020.
The guidance does detail points that are only specific to certain kinds of schools – for example, independent schools are not required to provide Health Education under the new guidance.
However, overall there are many points that apply to every school.
Let’s have a look at them, shall we?
Schools will retain freedom to determine an age-appropriate, developmental curriculum which meets the needs of young people. They design all the content making sure it compliments, and does not duplicate, other areas of the curriculum.
Schools need to ensure that content sits within the context of their broader ethos and a wider whole-school approach to supporting pupils to be safe, happy and prepared for life beyond school. As we mentioned in the last blog post, students’ safety should be at the heart of the work.
Schools are encouraged to consult with parents/carers, governors and the wider community when creating the policy and content. They also should listen to pupils’ views. Here at Loudmouth we LOVE listening to the views of young people. Our logo is even about giving young people a voice!
When designing content, the guidance tells schools to ensure that secondary RSE builds on the foundation laid by primary RE. Like building a wall – you need all the bricks in place for it to work.
We think a great way to start getting ready for September 2020 is to use the Sex Education Forum and PSHE Association's Roadmap and tools. You can read more about these here.