National or International Awareness Campaigns and major holidays can be a great way in to a PSHE topic. Below are some dates that are coming up in the next few weeks, along with dates for those much needed holiday days off:
Stress Awareness Month
Stress Awareness Month has been held every April, since 1992 to increase public awareness
7th April - World Health Day
Universal health coverage is the focus for this year’s World Health Day
19th April 2019 - Good Friday (Bank Holiday)
21st April 2019 - Easter Sunday
22nd April 2019 - Easter Monday (Bank holiday)
22nd April 2019 - National Stationery Week
For lovers of all things stationery
23rd April 2019 - St George's Day
28th April 2019 - National Superhero Day
Our bully busters will be out in force to raise awareness of bullying