YEF Survey Shows Lack of RSHE on Relationship Violence

New report flags the importance of RSHE and why our theatre in education programmes on these issues are so needed.

A new report by the Youth Endowment Fund (YEF) on a survey of 10,000 young people aged 13-17 years old shows that relationship violence is a worryingly common experience for both boys and girls.

27% of teens have been in a relationship over the past year, and of those, 49% experience some form of violent or controlling behaviour. A range of behaviours were reported including being made to feel afraid to disagree with their partner and their partner making them feel scared to break up with them, as well as physical violence and being pressured or forced into sexual activity.

The survey also shows that young people's experiences of RSHE find their lessons inconsistent. The most commonly taught topics – sexual consent and harassment – have only reached about half of 13-17-year-olds, with 55% receiving lessons on consent and 43% on harassment. Teens were even less likely (40%) to learn about 'how to be in healthy and respectful romantic relationships'. This is despite the fact that relationships education is mandatory in all schools in England.

Children who reported that they had perpetrated sexual violence were even less likely to say they’ve received lessons on consent and harassment than the average – only 39% and 31%, respectively.

This shows how important it is that young people have quality RSHE that provides accurate information about sexual consent and harassment, builds their skills in knowing how to spot signs and report concerns and have a safe space to discuss these issues.

Loudmouth can support your school with our theatre in education programmes. The drama brings the issues to life in a way that is appropriate for a school setting and allows young people to relate to and understand what can be complex issues. The workshops allow students to unpick what they saw and heard in the drama and learn where to get support.

Our programmes can support your staff and help their time and worry with delivery from our experienced and trained facilitators. Our team can deal with any disclosures that may come up and provide resources and lesson plans to continue the education after our visit.

To find out how we can keep your students safe from relationship violence contact 0121 446 4880 or email