Pupil Premium - How Loudmouth Can Help
The next round of Pupil Premium payments will be coming through shortly, learn how Loudmouth can help you to improve the educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils.
Jul 09, 2024
"Loudmouth’s PSHE sessions are an excellent way for schools to spend their Pupil Premium. The money has an additional bonus impact on the targeted pupils as their peers also receive the same message at the same time. The sessions have a huge impact on all the pupils’ learning, putting important issues into context. This impact can be easily recorded as evidence for OFSTED to show positive Pupil Premium spend.”- OFSTED Inspector
The next round of Pupil Premium payments will be coming through shortly and so we wanted to share some of the ways that schools have used Loudmouth to improve the educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils.
Schools can provide activities that are aimed at a whole class or year group that will benefit disadvantaged pupils. The guidance states that, 'Pupil premium is not a personal budget for individual pupils, and schools do not have to spend pupil premium so that it solely benefits pupils who meet the funding criteria. It can be used for whole class interventions which will also benefit non-disadvantaged pupils'
This can also be a way to support disadvantaged students in ways that doesn't embarrass or isolate them from their peers and can provide vital support for all students.
Pupil Premium can also be used for staff development and can be spent towards 'developing high-quality teaching, for example through professional development and recruitment and retention providing targeted academic support, such as one-to-one or small group tuition tackling non-academic barriers to academic success, such as difficulties with attendance, behaviour and social and emotional wellbeing'
Loudmouth can support with training for staff in safe ways to introdcue topics that they may want to work with Pupil Premium students on or help the rest of the class to have empathy or support around topics. We can run staff awareness sessions on issues such as domestic abuse, county lines, mental wellbeing etc. that can help staff to understand the issues that may be in the background of some of their pupil's lives and feel better equipped to understand and support.
If you would like to discuss how you can use your first two Pupil Premium instalments for engaging educational or training inputs from Loudmouth, then contact us on 0121 446 4880 or email enquiry@loudmouth.co.uk.