£100 Off Our New Mental Wellbeing Programme For Primary Schools

We have created a brand new programme for primary schools that is specifically about mental wellbeing and helping children to look after their wellbeing during the current pandemic.

Meet The Wellbeing Team!

The Wellbeing Team is our latest programme for children in Key Stage 2 on positive mental health. It is a fun and funny programme that is packed full of ideas and tips as well as reassurance that children are not alone in some of the feelings they may be having at the moment.

The programme has been created to be delivered virtually with a pre-recorded drama including live action and animation followed by a live interactive workshop delivered over Microsoft Teams.

The pre-recorded drama uses live action and animation and follows two superheroes as they recruit pupils to join The Wellbeing Team. Together they undertake their biggest mission yet – to help support children’s mental wellbeing.

Other children shares some of their worries about coronavirus and lockdown, learn about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing and hear from a young person who has experienced poor mental health and got the support they needed. Together, can they learn the tips and ideas that children will need?

The virtual workshop unpicks what was explored in the drama. Pupils recap the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, discuss how to spot when they or someone else may be struggling with their wellbeing and learn where to get support. As a special Christmas Gift we are giving £100 off the price of any sessions of The Wellbeing Team that take place in January and February 2021.* To book your discounted session of The Wellbeing Team contact us on 0121 446 4880.

*Does not include sessions fully or partly funded as part of a tour.