Did you know that Loudmouth work with students with SEND?

Find out about our adapted sessions and ways we adapt for students with SEND.

October is ADHD Awareness Month and highlights the need for awareness around neurodiversity. Loudmouth has a long history of working with students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Each year we work with approximately xxx students with SEND. We adapt our programmes to the groups we are working with. This could be small changes to the pace, volume or vocabulary. In other settings there could be an adapted workshop or adaptations to work with on stage signers, hearing loops or changes for visually impaired or blind students.

Many theatre in education companies use freelance staff who do not have the experience or training to work with students with SEND. All of Loudmouth’s staff are permanent employees and are trained to work in a range of settings. Our Actor / Facilitator Manager, Matthew Farmer, has been developing workshops for special schools and other settings for nearly 20 years. He can talk to venues about their needs and work out a plan for what will work best for your students.

"Compared to other companies we have had covering the same content, the actors were more flexible and accommodating to the children's individual needs. Through their answers and questions, the children were demonstrating a higher level of understanding, empathy and personal safety." - Safeguarding Team, Grantham Additional Needs Fellowship

Some SEND settings, book multiple Loudmouth programmes across the school year. This can be a great way to develop students and builds a strong relationship between our teams and the school so we can really understand their needs and adapt our delivery.

Schools may be able to use their pupil premium payments to fund Loudmouth to come into school to work with students with SEND.

If you would like to talk about how Loudmouth could work in your school with students with SEND then contact Matt, our Actor / Facilitator Manager at matt@loudmouth.co.uk