5 Ways Loudmouth Can Support Your Bullying Education

Here's 5 Ways Loudmouth Can Support Your Bullying Education

Loudmouth’s Lesson Plans

Need a fresh approach to bullying education? Struggling to fit lesson planning into your schedule?

We can help you! We offer a wide range of free lesson plans on bullying and lots of other subjects.

All of our lesson plans are easy to use and employ a variety of interactive learning techniques.

We also keep them up to date with all the latest information, so you can tackle ever evolving subjects, like cyberbullying, without having to wade through the research.

Loudmouth’s Dramas

We think drama and PSHE are the perfect fit – what better way to explore every day, real world issues than through a visual and interactive medium?

It’s easy to digest, realistic, relatable and relevant.

In our Bull 4 U programmes we take common bullying scenarios such as cyberbullying, sexist bullying, and homophobic bullying, and through drama we bring these issues to life.

The young people get to see the impact bullying can have on people’s emotional wellbeing, examine the role of the bystander, and even offer direct advice to the victims.

Our scripts are built on thorough research including consultation with young people and professionals, and we are continuously updating them to include issues that are relevant to our audience.

We have recently updated our Primary School bullying programme to include emotional wellbeing, and our Secondary School programme now covers sexting.

Our dramas create a safe environment for young people to tackle these sensitive subjects without the pressure of talking about their own experiences.

Loudmouth’s Workshops

In our main aim at Loudmouth is to give young people a voice.

Our bullying workshops allow young people to share their ideas and opinions on about how they can identify bullying, what they can do to stop or prevent bullying, how to manage their own emotional wellbeing, and where they feel they can go for help and support.

These workshops are not only a great chance for the young people to discuss their thoughts with each other, but also an opportunity to staff to gauge where their students are in their bullying education, and what areas might need further development.

Our workshops are evaluated which shows that young people find them a fun and memorable way to learn. The interactive learning techniques we use can be particularly beneficial to young people who might struggle in an everyday classroom environment.

Loudmouth’s Training

Relationships, RSE and Health education will become compulsory in September 2020, and we hope this will strengthen PSHE across the board.

While this is really exciting, it’s also important to feel prepared for these changes. We offer training on how to work effectively with children and young people on RSE / PSHE issues such as bullying. This training programme incorporates a wide selection of our most effective techniques, and participants are provided with necessary resources to address a range of RSE / PSHE topics using a safe and interactive approach.

This is a fun course with achievable and simple ideas that you can use straight away. No drama skills needed and absolutely no role play involved (we promise!)

"This course had the most impact on my teaching over the last 30 plus years." - Inclusion Consultant

This flexible training programme has commonly been used as part of the PSHE certificate and can easily be integrated into your existing teaching structure.

Loudmouth’s White Papers and Other Resources

As well as our lesson plans, we can also provide you and your team with White Papers, newsletters and training videos.

We want to ensure staff feel as prepared as possible for September 2020, and these resources can help strengthen your PSHE and build confidence across your team. You can sign up for these here.